Open PS2 Loader

Open PS2 Loader (OPL) 1.2.0 – Nova BETA – OFICIAL 1959 Suporte a Exfat e ZSO!

Another beta arriving from OPL 1.2.0, build 1959, bringing small changes in the way opl starts which can be useful in future projects like XEB+.

  • OPL DB has the PS1 tab, but it is worth remembering that you need POPSTARTER since no OPL runs PS1 games [DESCONTINUED PROJECT, LATEST VERSION DB2022]
  • Since Official 1985 All versions support EXFAT and ZSO


    • 2940280: parse args for bdm (KrahJohlito) #852
    • afe1922: share common functions for auto launching (KrahJohlito) #852


The packages below are complete and ready to update, follow the tutorial below to understand the process, it already comes with the translation into our language, however the translation needs to be activated in display settings, if you are updating from an already translated version, do not forget to change the translation for the new version, otherwise there will be character errors!.


Download altennativo no mediafire aqui!

How to UPDATE OPL (for 0.9.0 onwards):

How to UPDATE OPL (old versions like 0.7 and 0.8)

How to update via network on mobile, NO PC


How to copy OPL from one Memory Card to another:



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