Open PS2 LoaderPS2

Novo Open PS2 Loader DB 1376, bugs corrigidos, melhor suporte para HDL Server!

Uma nova versão do OPL saiu que corrigiu os problemas da versão anterior e ainda soma tudo de bom das versões anteriores como por exemplo suporte melhorado para o HDL Server.


changes made by SP193: Fixes dec18 (part III) #161 :
– Fixed incorrect handling of the config load result (did not return the types of config files loaded).
– (ingame ATAD) port patch for issuing STANDBY IMMEDIATE before DEV9 is shut down, to avoid causing an “emergency park” for some HDDs.
– (ingame USB) Patched USB support to issue STOP UNIT before the PS2 is shut down.
– Added shutdown mode to IGR.
NOTE: nothing was tested again. Any inconvenience is regretted.
The changes related to STANDBY IMMEDIATE and STOP UNIT are related to this problem with modern (typically 2.5″) HDDs.
For the devices to be shut down correctly in both the UI and in-game, the PS2SDK must be updated to get the new drivers for the UI.
message by SP193: Fixes dec18 (part III) #161 :
For the new code to actually help your HDDs to be shut down properly (if applicable), you must use IGR to shut down the console if you are not using an expansion bay PS2. Other types have power button that will only hard-reset the PS2, providing no way for software to know that the PS2 is being switched off.
For external USB HDDs, please use IGR to shut down the PS2, regardless of what console you have. As it does not involve DEV9, the PS2’s reset button will always act as only a reset button.
As for whether you have a device that really needs this software method of getting shut down, you need to refer to the manual because it depends on the device.

Fonte: PS2-Home

  20/12/2018 9:18 PM 6 anos ago
Playstation 2   2 MB     1.617
OPL DB1376

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