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Novo OPL DB1558, mais ajustes e jogos melhorados!

Mais uma versão do OPL chegando nesse domingão com bastante melhorias para os modos de Rede e para alguns jogos também!

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  17/02/2019 12:09 PM 6 anos ago
Playstation 2   2 MB     6.044
OPL DB1558


changes made by Tupakaveli:
Gui fixes
Fixed the issue with the hint text being rendered off-screen in hires video modes.
— It was caused by the calculated width of the hint text string being scaled along with the video mode, we’re unscaling it now. The positioning is now correct in every video mode.
Fixed some capitalisations on the Menu screen for consistency.
changes made by SP193:
Fixes feb19
Fixed streaming callback potentially executed with a NULL-pointer, due to the pointer getting changed between function calls.
CDVDMAN: consolidated CDVDFSV_BUF_SECTORS and CDVDMAN_FS_SECTORS, for clarity. CDVDMAN_FS_SECTORS is now set to 8 and CDVDFSV will read up to CDVDMAN_FS_SECTORS sectors per chunk. When the buffer is not aligned, then it will use 1 sector for alignment correction. This is higher than previously because I don’t know why we only used 7/8 sectors…
Added patch for Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
padhook: changed Hook_scePad2CreateSocket() to always check and install IGR if SockParam is null (which is optional). This replaces the incomplete patch from 541d270.
padhook: do not create padhook thread & interrupt handler in duplicate. Thread will now be installed either at the IOP reboot or when the padhook is triggered, whichever comes first. This will allow the power button to always be used for IGR, even if libpad cannot be located due to the game being protected in some way (i.e. Tekken 5).
ISOFS: Fixed iso: being stuck in an opened state, if the file cannot be opened for mounting.
changes made by SP193:
SMSTCPIP – LWIP patch backports
Most patches are for the sockets layer and TCP.
changes made by SP193:
SMB update
changes made by SP193:
Fixes, February 2019 (II)
changes made by SP193:
Fixes Feb19 (III)
More notable changes:
f16c52d: Complete the changes from a8630bb, which should allow SMB support to start working again.
ea01c62: CDVDMAN: revised algorithm for unscrambling the PS2 logo. Fixes failure to correctly unscramble the logo if the first byte of subsequent passes does not represent a black pixel.
a8630bb did not cover all calls to sys_mbox_post() that involve conn->mbox. It may get stuck, once the message box becomes full. Since nothing is receiving the messages anymore.

Fonte: PS2-Home


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