Novo OPL DB1499, novos ajustes e jogos compatíveis!
Fala galera! Uma nova versão do OPL saiu, trouxe alguns ajustes importantes, agora o modo 8 não será mais necessário e alguns jogos passaram a ser compatíveis sem problemas, são eles Super Dragon Ball Z, Fast And Furious e Need For Speed Underground 2, este último já era era compatível, mas precisava justamente do modo 8, agora não precisa mais.
Segue abaixo o changelog completo direto do PS2-Home.
rev1497 – SP193 – CDVDMAN: N-commands should check if another N-command is in progress, even if only a state transition is done. sceCdGetToc() should always fail since we do not implement it. – Wed Jan 30 23:24:44 2019 +0800 rev1496 – SP193 – IGR padhook: do not dereference SocketParam if it is NULL (it is optional). – Wed Jan 30 23:24:44 2019 +0800 rev1495 – SP193 – Corrected return values of cdrom_devctl() and cdrom_ioctl2() function calls, added sceCdSync() where required. Added code for CDIOC_POWEROFF. – Wed Jan 30 23:24:30 2019 +0800 rev1494 – SP193 – Changes to CDVDMAN callback should be binding immediately. – Wed Jan 30 00:48:43 2019 +0800 rev1493 – SP193 – Changed EE core starting free memory range from 0x00088000 to 0x00084000, following that Sony treats the range after 0x00084000 (from 0x00082000) as the new start point for free memory, which is the address used by the HDD browser, which has the alarm patch. This will give us more memory. But beware that this is not a well-trodden path. – Mon Jan 28 23:08:16 2019 +0800 rev1492 – SP193 – Added The Fast and the Furious (SLUS-21449 & SLES-54483) to the patch list for the Eutechnyx Ltd patch. – Mon Jan 28 23:08:16 2019 +0800 rev1491 – SP193 – CDVDMAN’s module ID will no longer be changed to “dev9” when HDD mode is used and removed mode 8. Need For Speed: Underground 2 no longer needs mode 8 to work, hence the mode no longer has a function. – Mon Jan 28 21:55:43 2019 +0800 rev1490 – SP193 – Erase game list entries during loading, for better ease of debugging. – Mon Jan 28 21:55:43 2019 +0800 rev1489 – SP193 – Changed game list cache option to only affect HDD game list caching, since the SMB & USB game list caching feature is different and works a lot more seamlessly. – Mon Jan 28 21:55:43 2019 +0800 rev1488 – SP193 – Increased dev9 module export version number to 1.9. – Mon Jan 28 21:55:43 2019 +0800 rev1487 – SP193 – Module hook: return the typical return value for each blocked module, as some games will expect a specific return value. Block ENT_SMAP.IRX, as that is another SMAP driver. Emulate ReferModuleStatus() for blocked modules. – Mon Jan 28 21:55:40 2019 +0800 rev1485 – SP193 – Fixed the user callback being called after the virtual drive becomes ready. That had the potential of breaking games that were designed to not expect the callback to be run after the drive becomes visibly ready via the libcdvd APIs. For example, what seems to happen in Super Dragon Ball Z’s ARKD_DVD.IRX: 1. User callback is registered. 2. sceCdSearch() is used to locate the TOC file, which will internally call sceCdRead(). 3. sceCdRead() is called after WaitSema() is called. 4. Wait for the CD/DVD drive to complete reading with WaitSema, but the callback from the last sceCdRead() call causes the semaphore to be signalled prematurely. – Sun Jan 27 15:53:34 2019 +0800
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