OPL Nova versão 1580! Confira as novidades!
Finalmente saiu uma nova versão do OPL, desde junho não tinhamos novidades, porém, a nova versão de número 1580 trouxe apenas algumas novidades cosméticas como pode ser visto no changelog:
changes made by Tupakaveli: https://github.com/ifcaro/Open-PS2-Loader/pull/208
#Memory Card icon update.
– Discussion: https://www.psx-place.com/threads/open-ps2-loader-v0-9-3.13415/page-40#post-193454#Replace slide transition with Maximus32’s fade transition.
– This transition animation looks a lot better and it also fixes a memory issue for HiRes themes that use the info page.
– Thanks to @rickgaiser for his code
– Video for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKE6IZoopj4&t=5s#Fix transition sound effect.
– Replaced default transition sound effect as it doesn’t fit with the fade transition.
– Free sound effect taken from: https://sellfy.com/p/gPCb/#
Fonte: PS2Home http://www.ps2-home.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=3&p=38509#p38509
Download do Pacote HardLevel (OPL + Traduções + uLaunchelf)